Friday, April 27, 2012

Big News

So...I started this blog a few years ago, in the midst of yet another PwC busy season where I was bored and lonely, thinking I would track our lives.  I wrote about random trips, food, weekend activities, stupid stuff.  Boring.  Boring as hell, in fact.  And I often said that I didn't want to start/continue blogging until I had something fun to report on - a baby, a move, a new found passion for cooking or running or any other hobby, etc.  And while the arrival of my precious puddin pie, Annie, counts as that, we have some other news that I've alluded to - something I can finally start writing about:

Drew and I are moving to Ireland in July!

Ever since Drew lived in England in junior high and ever since I lived in Spain in college, we have wanted to return to live for a few years.  I even remember the conversation we had before we got married about the seriousness of our desire to do this, making sure we were on the same page.  When Drew started working at PwC, we knew there might be a possibility we could go - they have offices all over the world!  So he got the process started last fall.  

The months that followed were some of the longest of our lives.  He talked to London, thought about Amsterdam, toyed with Luxembourg, and he even almost got talked in to Melbourne - and never in a trillion years did we think we'd end up in Dublin.  It became an option, and he talked to lots of people there, and things seemed to be falling into place.  I'd still have lots of momentary panic, like...Dublin?  Seriously?   I kept looking for "signs" on what we were supposed to do, and I basically wanted God to say "GO TO DUBLIN!  It's not where you thought you'd go but it's where I want you!"  And I guess there was no reason I couldn't be as happy there as anywhere else.

Interviews went well, awesome things kept happening quickly and easily, but I was still real doubtful.  Drew was like "We've been praying for an opportunity to go abroad for a YEAR and telling God to put us where He wants us, and here it is!  This is the open door, He's handing it to us on a silver platter, and now we're questioning it."  Dangit.  

Fast forward to late March, and I'm sitting at my desk at work, when I get a call from Drew, who just spoke to the Dublin office.  They gave him an official offer, and he rapid-fire tells me what they're offering, the contract, the visa process, and everything else he can think of.  I hang up the phone and stare at my roll-a-dex in disbelief that this is really happening.  I go home and wait for Drew with a glass of wine and when he walks in we hug and kiss and dance around and jump up and down and drink Irish beer and listen to Irish music and laugh and talk and act a fool.  It was fun.  And hard to believe.

So...this is the blog that will now start talking about the new chapter of our lives, in Dublin.  It's so much more real now that we've told family and friends.  I'm dreading telling the job I love that I'm leaving but that will come later.  So..yeah!  There's our news!  Here we go.  

Monday, April 16, 2012

Unto You a Child Is Born

I haven't written in...months.  Years maybe.  But we have some big news we're announcing soon so I figured I'd get back on this thing, jazz it up, and start posting away.

Some of the biggest, best, happiest news thus far this year is the arrival of our NIECE!  She is precious and beautiful and perfect in every way, and Drew is FINALLY Uncle Drew, officially.  Annie is her name, and she is squishy and cute and after a month and a half, she now has the longest limbs you ever saw on a bebe.  

Here are some pics!

First pic, right out of the womb!  She's crying and cold!  Somebody help her!!

Sleeping Angel bebe. 

Uncle Drew.  Holding a baby. Help!  My ovaries!

Squishy faced Buddha bebe. Right after her first bath.

Proud Aunt Lauren, loving her life. And this bebe!

We're pretty smitten with her.  I'll post more pictures of her growth soon!  And I'll post other exciting things soon too so STAY TUNED.