Friday, June 10, 2011

Updated's been another 4 months since my last blog post and man do I suck at this blogging. Every article or website I've read about blogging encourages one to blog often or else you will lose interest and followers. Here's part of an article I read:

"Finally, once your blog is ready to go, remember to keep it current. That’s not to say you need to post every hour on the hour, or even every day, but at least post weekly; don’t half-commit to your project. With any luck, you will have readers and they will look forward to your posts, so don’t disappoint them. Too often, great blogs go south because they aren’t updated enough…or ever. Don’t put in all the effort only to decide two days later that it’s just not for you."

I don't actually have too many followers but I definitely don't now, judging by my once-every-six-months posts. Here's another part of the same article I found interesting:

"The first step to starting a successful blog is to decide what you want to write about. There are literally millions of bloggers already out in the blogosphere, so how are you going to differentiate yourself? It’s important to start by writing about something you love and have a substantial knowledge of. Whether it’s horticulture or hot dogs, entertainment or enterprising, fitness or finance – love it, live it, blog it. If you don’t have passion for something, neither will your readers, and if you can’t provide more insight than a quick Google search, why would anyone bother reading? Make it stand out. Show your personality and your passion, and most of all, show your expertise."

I never officially decided on a category. There's no specific "theme" to my blog, except a chronicle of our lives. I should probably add more cooking/baking, and maybe some more traveling, and some more restaurant reviewing, and home decor, but I haven't. I will though! As God as my witness!

Since my last blog post, I have....
  • Quit training for a 10K or even a 5K. Maybe one day.
  • Decided to move out of our apartment due to increased bullshit rent.
  • Witnessed the marriage of one of my b-fris to a handsome Texas cowboy.
  • Witnessed the engagement of another one of my b-fris to her cutie fiance.
  • Joined Twitter. (WTF?)
  • Gone to San Francisco for a lover's getaway with my boo.
  • Found a fabulous new (small) apartment.
  • Developed a new interest in home decor.
  • Joined this awesome site called Pinterest where I can hone my home decor and posting skillz.
  • Watched the Mavs enter the FINALS! (Currently watching Game 5 of the Finals right now, with my husband who curses incredibly loudly at the television every. single. time. the other team scores.)
  • Completed my 1-Year Anniversary at the job that I currently have and love.
  • Best of all: gotten my husband back from his job. Busy season is over and I am alone no more. Gracias a Dios.
I'd say that's a pretty busy Spring. I plan to blog more about each of these accomplishments...SOON. More next time.