Wednesday, January 22, 2014


I think retirement is agreeing with me.  What have I been up to the last week or so?  Let's seeeeee.

  • Day One of Retirement involved a lot of couch sitting, some TV watching, a 6 mile walk around the coast, some errands, some smoothie-making, some chores, some panicking about my life choices, and some wine.  All in all, a good day.  The week progressed nicely.
  • I started my history class at Trinity.  It's...ok.  Last year my professor was charming and lively and informative and this year we have two stuffy balding English professors with tweed jackets and a tendency to forget the topics listed on the syllabus and cover their own perplexing agenda.  They also said they would assume no one had prior knowledge of the topics being discussed but they certainly don't behave that way.  I evidently needed to take ANOTHER class before this one to understand what the hell is going on.  We've mostly talked about the Bolshevik Revolution and I'm as confused as ever.  
  • My Spanish class starts on Friday.  Que bueno!  I haven't spoken it in awhile so I better brush up.
  • I've been cooking some new things and baking stuff for Drew's coworkers!  I'll hopefully post some more recipes soon.  I always liked doing that.
  • I've been going to the gym and running a lot and have officially lost the 7 substantial pounds I gained in Dallas.  When home in Dallas, and for the better part of the month of December, I entered into what I like to call...Fat Mode.  Fat Mode means you stop giving a shit about what you eat and about working out and you basically let yourself freakin GO - so your family and friends watch in horror as you eat cold pizza for breakfast, Chic-fil-A for lunch, and Houston's for dinner, along with a variety of baked treats at all hours of the day.  And it's not good, damnit.  I've been trying to take care of this issue by entering into Skinny Mode.  It is very difficult/virtually impossible to get out of said Fat Mode and into Skinny Mode, but one can slip into Fat Mode faster than you can say 'french fries and ranch'.  It's a constant battle for me and Oprah and Ricki Lake.  Ugh!    
  • I was toweling off in my bathroom after a hot shower yesterday when I heard a knock at the door.  I automatically assume that any knock on the door is a murderer coming to kill me but this time I figured it was my sweet caretaker, Noel, and he'd come back later if he needed me.  The knocking continued and then turned to banging.  Then I hear someone fiddling with my lock.  I throw the towel around me as someone then UNLOCKS THE DOOR AND ENTERS MY APARTMENT.  My heart officially stops at this point as I'm pretty much naked and in the most vulnerable state a woman could possibly be in.  I screamed "UHHH HELLO!?!?" and a man says "Oh hi!  It's the electrician!  Your landlord said you needed something fixed."  WTF.  "I'M JUST GETTING OUT OF THE SHOWER, GIVE ME 10 MINUTES!!!!!!" I screamed back.  He apologized and I tried to regain a pulse.  After a couple of frantic minutes, he explained that he thought I was still working and the landlord told him he could come.   I then sent a scathing email to my landlord with strict instructions for anyone to CALL next time they come.  I was still shaking like an hour later.  Shit.
  • Drew's still in the midst of busy season, though the partner on his job took us out to a fancy dinner as a preemptive incentive to work hard.  So that was fun.  Drew doesn't seem as stressed as he usually does in the States but I'm sure it's coming.  I at least get to see him on Sundays, so I guess that's something.  He's going to London for work next week and I might join him for 2 days.  Woohoo!
  • My b-fri Missy moves back to the States this weekend.  I've been dreading this moment for a long time and am still in denial it's happening.  We did get to have a really fun weekend with them last weekend and are going for a big night out this weekend for a proper send off.  But I'm really sad.  Bye.
I guess that's all for now, folks - all the worthless tidbits about my life you could possibly (n)ever want to know!  More soon.

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

New Year's Resolutions?

I looked back on several of my past "New Year's Resolutions" posts and I have a feeling that this one will sound strikingly similar to the others, particularly last year.  The only difference between last year and this year is that I didn't know I would be getting a job last year, and this year...I'm not working anymore!

Yes, folks, my time at my job has come to an end - I've stopped working so that I can take advantage of my final months in Dublin, among many other reasons.  If you have questions, I'm happy to discuss offline.  SO this leaves me...back to where I was at the very beginning of our journey here, trying to figure out what to do with my life and how to keep myself busy!  Happily though, I should add.

Last year, I wrote this:

I'm generally into resolutions for the new year but I also hate them because if I don't do them then I feel like a Big Fat F-ing Failure (BFFF).  Last year ours was to have a "positive, life-changing experience." CHECK!  I don't think I'm making any "set" goals/resolutions but I think I'm making a list of things I'm looking forward to doing.  And I actually like the new year and the feeling of hopefulness it brings - even if you live in a relatively dark, rainy country and don't have Christmas to look forward to anymore and have the upcoming PWC busy season to deal with.  BUT I like being hopeful and in this particular time in my life, I like the fact that I have absolutely no clue what this year can bring.  And that's new for me...but exciting at the same time.  Woohooo!  So...what am I looking forward to?  Starting to run again!  Dropping some lbs.  Feeling good again physically.  Cooking new and exciting things that intimidate me!  Reading more!  Taking more classes!  Writing more!  Blogging more!  Getting more involved in the city!  Making better use of my time!  Making a "30 Before 30" list!  Traveling!  I feel good about all of these things and I need to write them down and hang them up somewhere so I don't forget.  Drew would like to make more of an effort with his correspondence and communication with people he loves, which I love.  So...2013!  Gonna be a great year!  God willing!  I can't stop using exclamation points!

And...everything I wrote then is basically what I want to write now.  Only this time I KNOW that there won't be a job to get in the way of my plan.  (Work permits take awhile, we're not here that much longer, I have trips/visitors coming - it just wouldn't work.)  So what will I do to take up my free time and get my life back on track?

Well...plenty.  I'll be taking another course at Trinity College twice a week about European History from 1914 to Present Day.  It'll cover all the wars and facism and communism and all kinds of interesting topics!  I'm really excited.  I'll be continuing my studies at the Cervantes Institute with another Spanish class, so I'll be fully prepared to hablar when I return to Texas.  I belong to a gym that's easily accessible and will be taking classes there once or twice a week, and I'm training for a 10K and hope to get most of that done during the week days.  I want to write more, blog more, cook more, be more.  I want to plan travel for us and for our visitors.  I want to enjoy my last 6 months here and I'm not working so I can do that.  So that's exactly what I'm going to do, damnit.  New year, new me.  Or 'revised' me, anyway.

Thursday, January 9, 2014

FAQs: Part Two

Drew and I did a lot of socializing in Dallas over the break, whether it be with close friends, not-so-close friends, a variety of close and extended family, at numerous parties, gatherings, sip and sees, showers, Chili Bowls, etc., and we were asked many of the same questions over and over.  Which is understandable.  People wanna know the deets.  So here are the most Frequently Asked Questions we received from so many people I can't even think straight.  (Part One can be found here, but that was when we were moving.)  And I'll even include my stock responses!

When are you guys moving back?
Scripted answer: "July!  7 more months, so not that long!  Jane's thrilled!  Haha!"
Real answer:  When we came over here, Drew had originally accepted a two year contract with the potential to extend it a third year.  I really haven't said much about our departure date on the blog due to jobs and what not, but we've officially decided to come back this coming summer, probably Julyish.  That means we're looking down the barrel at 6 more months!  Ahhhhh help!!

Are you guys excited?  Lauren, I'm sure you're counting down the days!
Scripted answer: "Yeah, I'm excited!  We have a great life over there but I'm excited to get back.  It'll be bittersweet."
Real answer:  If you think I'm counting down the days, you're wrong.  I love it here and I love my life here.  We're obviously excited to get back to our friends and loved ones but it's going to be really, really sad and hard to leave.  We've made great friends here and we get to travel and walk everywhere and live our dream.  There is so much unknown about moving back and the unknown doesn't thrill or excite me.  I know it'll be great when we get there, but right now I'm afraid that our life abroad will just seem like it never happened.

Is Drew going to stay with the same job?
Scripted answer:  "Yep, Drew will stay at PWC."
Real answer: Yep, Drew will stay at PWC.

What will you (Lauren) do when you get back?
Scripted answer: "Oh gosh!  I really don't know yet!  Haha!"
Real answer:  I have no clue.  Work?  Have a kid?  Neither?  Both?   I have no clue.
Drew's answer: "Yes, she'll be working."

Will you work?
Scripted answer: "Oh gosh, I really don't know yet!  Haha!  Probably!"
Real answer:  I have no clue.  I assume so.
Drew's answer: "Yes, she'll be working."

Where are you going to live?
Scripted answer: "Oh gosh, I really don't know yet!  Haha!"
Real answer: I have no clue.  Help.

When are you guys thinking about having kids?
Scripted answer: "Oh gosh, I really don't know yet!  Haha!"
Real answer: Are you in cahoots with my mother-in-law?  Leave me alone!  I got a lot of traveling left to do and I have no home to live in in Dallas so I'll just tell you if/when I'm pregnant.

Are you just having the best time?
Scripted and real answer: YES!  We really, really are.  It's been really fun.

What's been your favorite place you've traveled?
Scripted and real answer:  Hmm.  Berlin/Croatia.  And Oktoberfest.  And the Cotswolds.  Oh, and Barcelona.

Where else are you going before you come back?
Scripted and real answer: We still have a bunch of places we'd like to see, including but not limited to....more places around Ireland, Greece, Italy, Spain, Russia, Istanbul, Iceland, Switzerland, Southern France, and we'd like to do Africa and Thailand.  The large majority of these trips won't happen.  Dangit!

Do you have any other trips planned so far this year?
Scripted and real answer: Not really!  I'm going to Paris in February and we're going to St. Andrews in Scotland in April but that's it!  Drew's busy season is a bit of a travel buzz kill.  Womp womp.

I think that covers most of them.  If you have any others, feel free to ask!  I'll give you a real answer :)

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Christmas in Dallas 2013

I've taken an almost 1 month hiatus but now I'm BACK!  I fully intended on writing while I was in Dallas but it just tends to get away from you.  So yeah...we've been in Dallas for 2 weeks and we're finally back in the swing of things, getting caught up with life.  Our trip was fun and wonderful as it always is, but this trip felt a lot more...busy!  We felt spread vveerryyy thin among two sets of parents, two sets of siblings, extended families, and multiple friend groups.  It's a great problem to have, but it also felt like we couldn't have good solid quality time with our peeps cause I always felt guilty for not being somewhere else or was checking the clock cause we were gonna be late for something with somebody!  I feel the need to apologize to everyone we encountered for this very issue BUT...I'm comforted by the fact that this will be our last trip home before we officially move back for good.  Which is weird.  But exciting.  More on that later.

Here are some pics and highlights from our trip home:

We had our annual Chrismukkah party again this year and it was a hit!

Pic with my b-fri Molly, because she never gets any cred in my photos!  Woohoooo

Happy pic of my other party peeps towards the end of the night.
 And let's not forget the main attraction...our precious Annie!  We were basically...wherever she was.  And it was worth every minute with her.

Reading with Uncle Drew.

She followed me outside after she finished making banana muffins with Drew - sporting her apron, timer, and hat.

Cutie's brave parents let her venture to Shepler's BY HERSELF with us so we could buy her her first pair of cowboy boots!  It went mostly well until she started knocking over several racks of hats with reckless abandon.  There were tears.  A stuffed Bevo was the only solution so we bought that for her too.

Only picture I have surrounding Christmas.  Nothing with the rest of my family or with Drew's family.  I suck.  But look at the bebe police officer!

Caitlin's parents have a party every year on Christmas night so we decided to pop over there for the first time ever.  It was fun!

Blakely came in town not once, but TWICE!  Wine night with Mere and I.  Yay!

And this is the only picture I have with my sista and Blakesta...and we're conveniently telling him goodbye.  Just like he'd been waiting all week for us to do.  We had a lot of fun with them both too and shout out to Bethie for letting us use her room the entire time!
For New Year's Eve, a small group of us went to dinner at Neighborhood Services and then to a local watering hole, One Nostalgia Place (or Cocktails and Dancing) to ring in the new year with a bunch of random people.  And some karaoke.

Chad was nailing it on this Pearl Jam song.
I'm choosing not to post the videos of Caitlin and myself performing "Mustang Sally" as I sound...pretty unbelievable.

Nell and Peter met up with us after their other party!  Woohoo

New Year's Smoochies!
 The next day, John, Lauren, and Annie returned, which means I devoted the rest of my life to them.  Thus the rest of this blog will be devoted to her.  #sorrynotsorry

Isn't she the most beautiful child?

Modeling her new boots!  She walked around like she'd just gotten off of a horse or like she couldn't figure out what they were, but I imagine she'll break them in with time.

She was reading a book with Poppy so I decided to put on makeup.  She jumped off his lap and raced over to me and started playing with all my brushes.  Silly bebe.

Drew was eating breakfast after Bebe finished and she asked if she could have some.  She proceeded to finish his entire bowl....

And then move on to mine.  She even dug her hands in there to get the raisins out of my Raisin Bran!  My favorite part!    That sneak.

She cuddled up to Drew like this multiple times so she could watch videos of herself on our phones.  She loves those things.

And lastly...she was playing around in my suitcase while I was packing.  I was this close to zipping it up and running out the door.  Sigh.
It was a great break and it was so good to be home, as it always is.  It went by in a flash but we'll be back before we know it.

I fully anticipate writing a lot more soon, because I actually have things to write about.  So I'll be back tomorrow.  Goodnight!