Tuesday, September 23, 2014

At Long Last

I don't think I realized that it has been a full 2 months since I've last written.  At the urging of our friends Blair and Laura, I decided to revisit the ol' blog site and check things out.  And man oh man has it been awhile.  Whoops!

I have no real reason for my absence except that I've felt like I haven't had much to write about though that doesn't mean I necessarily need to go radio silent on all 4 of my readers.  I guess in truth I haven't felt much like writing because I've been feeling a little down since we got back.  The first two weeks were a whirlwind, seeing people and telling people our baby news and feeling like we were on a quick trip back to the States, and then we had to buy cars.  And continue living with our parents.  And work started for both of us.  And the hopeless house hunt began.  And real life hit us with a vengeance and so many life changes came at us at once and I've just tried to keep my head above water without letting the hormones and Dublin homesickness take over!

I miss Dublin.  And I miss our lives there.  But I need to accept it and mourn it and attempt to move on cause our lives are here now and it's going to be ok!  It's gotta be ok!  

I have happier and more entertaining blog posts ready to go in the upcoming days but this is my first trip back to Blogland and I decided to just be real about how we're feeling lately.

Stay tuned!