Sunday, June 17, 2012


We returned from a Florida family vacation with D's family facing the harsh reality that we no longer have our own apartment to go to. I rode in the backseat of the family Tahoe, looking longingly at the downtown skyline, feeling sad and nostalgic for our own beautiful apartment we lived in, one we had for our very own. But instead, we have to live out of a suitcase for 2 weeks more, shuffling between parent's houses.. Don't get me wrong- we had an amazingly wonderful relaxing trip in Florida - and I would feel this way with EITHER side - I just miss the days of having my own space. And it's only been a week!

Uptown is one of the douchiest places in Dallas, to live or even visit, but...oddly enough, we loved it. It (was) close to both of our jobs, it was covered in good food, restaurants, and bars, and it was close enough to our parents to visit when we wanted but far enough away to feel like we had our own place in the city, away from the area we grew up in. It does make me feel sad looking downtown and knowing that it's not our place anymore. There was a shower for a friend tonight in Oak Cliff, and before it was a few exits away. Now it's miles and miles and a trip so far I'm not even sure I can make it in my travel fatigue. Which is probably why this post sounds so melancholy.

We leave two weeks from tomorrow and the panic and reality of it all is setting in. I hardly thought about it in Florida but this morning neither D or I could sleep, thinking about the long to do list we have looming over our heads. And I haven't seen my friends in forever, which doesn't help either! I think I'm just a tired whiny cranky baby who needs a good nights sleep and then I'll be ok in the morning.

But speaking of Florida - we had an incredible week of relaxation, good food and drinks, a beautiful beach, And family fun time - with my funny sista Beth and my saracastic bro-in-law Blakesta ("you don't know WHAT he wants!"). We went to Marco Island and stayed at a fabulous beach house. We beached and swam in the pool and had happy hour on the deck and then ate delish food. Here are some pics!

Blanket o' clouds at 37,000 feet.

Seashells down by the seashore.

The results of using Spray Sunscreen.  

Family time at the Snook Inn.


Beach time.

One of my views from the deck.

Sunset.  #nofilter.

I'm going to bed now, and waking up with a new positive outlook on life tomorrow. God willing.

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