Sunday, December 1, 2013

Non Travel Related

I was looking over my blog and realizing that I haven't written a non-travel related post since Julyish, which is upsetting.  I used to write about real things.  I used to have thoughts and insecurities with being a new small fish in a huge foreign pond and write about my days and the interesting (or non-interesting) ways I'd fill my time and I used to cook new and exciting things and post about it.  And's just work work work and travel and go go go all the time and life got in the way of my random blogging.  And now I just...don't.  Ugh.

There's this one particular blogger I follow online and on Instagram and she always infuriates me because she has a wildly popular travel type blog and has made a cool career out of traveling and writing about it.  And I travel and kind-of sort-of write about it but not really.  She also made an effort to put her blog out there in the public blogosphere while I remain hidden by not posting it anywhere for anyone to see because I don't feel strong enough about it to do anything with it.  And that's my own fault.

This situation and many others in my life have left me thinking about this particular quote from Eat, Pray, Love by Elizabeth Gilbert:

“There's a wonderful old Italian joke about a poor man who goes to church every day and prays before the statue of a great saint, begging, "Dear saint- please, please, please...give me the grace to win the lottery." This lament goes on for months. Finally the exasperated statue comes to life, looks down at the begging man and says in weary disgust, "My son- please, please, a ticket."

I want to have a successful blog and I want to go back to school for writing, not because I am a good writer but because I want to be a decent writer and do something with it.  But I don't devote any time to writing, ever.  I want to take cool pictures with my cool camera for my cool travel blog but I don't devote any time to learning anything about my damn camera.  I want to work out and change my diet but I don't like the gym and somehow still think living over here entitles me to eat like I'm on a vacation even though this is real life.  I want a lot of other things that I can't even articulate but I don't do anything about it and figure I just need to buy the metaphorical lottery ticket and make things happen.


What have we been up to besides working and traveling some?  Not a lot.  Work is still the same for me.  That's all I have to say about my job and if you want more details then talk to me at Christmas.  Drew's work is more of the same.  He's still on the same client and is working later every day and this was NOT part of the deal we'd made before we came to Ireland.  Grrr.  We've lost 2 sets of friends that have moved back to the States but we've met some new ones that just moved over here, so that's good.  One of my best friend's exit date in February is fast approaching and that makes me nervous and sad.  I just turned to Drew and said "What else have we been up to besides work and traveling?" and he said "Well...that's pretty much it really.  What else would there be?"  So that doesn't help.  But also verifies that things are pretty low key over here aside from the fun trips once a month.

People have also been asking us about Thanksgiving over here and how we celebrated.  We unfortunately/stupidly didn't take the 2 days off like we did last year and had to work on Thanksgiving!  Woof.  I found a catering company to make us a custom Thanksgiving meal and brought it to work and made my Irish guys celebrate with me.  I tried to make them go around and say what they were thankful for but they weren't having it.  But they really enjoyed it overall!  Then Thursday night we went to my friend Autumn's house and she had an elaborate Thanksgiving dinner for about 10 people, complete with special Thanksgiving cocktails and amazing desserts.  Oooh baby.  Even though we had to work and missed being home with our families and friends, we did have a good night and really focused on the blessing of having friends.  So that's nice.

We come home 3 weeks from this past Friday, and with a trip to Copenhagen for Christmas markets and a couple of Christmas parties and concerts in between, the time should fly by!

I'll post some Barcelona blogs this week, but for now...I had to do something un-travel related.  Goodnight!

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