Friday, May 14, 2010


If any of you really know me well, you know that I've been training for a 5K for about 7 years now. I first discovered the Couch to 5K Running Plan in college - and while I attempted it about 435 times, I would only get 2/3 of the way through it before something came up. I'd get sick. I'd get a blister. It'd be too hot. I'd discover I hate running more than anything else in the world. Etc.

While discussing my failure at life to ever complete anything worthwhile, including running, my friend Stephen said "You'd like it if you were good at it." At the time, I wanted to punch him because I was NOT good at it. And I'm still not. But I got engaged 2 years ago, started hauling ass, and got BETTER. Running 1-2 miles a day wasn't as hard I guess he was right. And you know what else?


Wahooo! Though Drew and I would push it and run the distance of a 5K at sporadic points throughout the year, I never felt like I could call myself an accomplished runner until I ran an OFFICIAL 5K.

The Katy Trail 5K is a fun Dallas Uptown event that is put on every year to raise money for the Katy Trail...that my company happens to pay for. I love it because it's on a Thursday night (always fun), it's in my hood, and it's sponsored by Michelob Ultra! After completing the race the runners and walkers get to feast on delicious samples from tons of awesome restaurants around Reverchon Park and guzzle beer and wine at their own free will. You and 5,000 of your closest friends partying it up while sweating profusely!

I'm not saying it was easy by any means - especially when I almost started crying because my shoulder wouldn't stop hurting - and I'm not saying I did it in a timely manner (13 minute mile anyone?), but the point was that I DID IT, I FINISHED IT, and I ACCOMPLISHED something. And boy do I feel good.

And now I can start training for a 10K! In the heat of the summer! First stop 5K, next stop...the world.

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