Drew and I went to a concert last Thursday, for a band called Wolfgang that Drew likes and listens to. I would call it an indie emo weirdo band, whatever, but I decided I'd go along for a fun night out anyway.
Upon entering the bar in Deep Ellum, we knew we were immediately out of place. Drew's UT polo shirt and blue khakis stuck out like sore thumbs compared to the rolled up jeans, rolled up sleeves, 1940's-era haircuts, and tattoo sleeves we saw there. We felt like IDIOTS, with good reason. So we did what any normal person would do: ordered drinks and lots of 'em. We grabbed a table near the back of the room but near the front door and people-watched and felt silly. At some point, Drew got up to go to the bathroom and left me there with our drinks, 4 empty seats, and my iPhone. Not even a minute later, 3 guys came up to the table and sat down to chat it up with me. Now two things were running through my mind here: (1) Nice work Lauren! You still got it! Even though you never had it! Maybe you're getting it! (2) What the hell do I talk to these guys about? I don't know how to carry on conversation with randos!
"Can you believe they won't let us take our beers outside?", one of the guys, Matt, said. "Oh...wow! No..no I can't!" I replied. And then I proceeded to sit there not knowing what to say. Turns out, they just wanted me to hold their beers while they stepped out for a smoke. So in reality I never "had" anything, but a table. Ah well. Anyways, Drew returns and so do the guys and we all proceed to start talking about Dallas, Fort Worth, and Ireland. Some of them had been there, we discussed the pros and cons of the country, and before you knew it, we were fast friends! They bought us drinks, we bought them drinks, they sat with us, we laughed, we cried, we enjoyed each other's company. We survived our initial encounter with the weirdos and we passed with flying colors!
Even LATER in the night towards the end of the evening, Drew started yelling out random things at the band and quoting random movies, when this OTHER group of guys proceeded to laugh at him/with him - and again, we began talking. Turns out they were from Lake Highlands and knew Drew's brother and one of my friend's brothers and all kinds of random connections! Who knew.
Bottom line: Drew and I walked away from the fun evening feeling good, feeling confident, and feeling like WE'RE GONNA BE OK in a foreign country where we don't know anyone and feel stupid meeting new people! We can do this! Hopefully! God willing! Help!!
Monday, June 25, 2012
Going Away Party
We had a little "going away" shindig last night, even though we're not leaving for a week, so we could see our best friends and family before we ship out. Many thanks to Nell for being the resident photographer, and apologies to Drew for not having been in hardly any photos. Here are some pics!
Party spread. |
Me and my sista, Beth |
Meg and Josh! |
Blakely and I |
Kathleen and preggo Stephie, all the way from New Mexico! |
Drew and his work peeps |
B and Blakely, both came all the way from Houston! |
Foof and Teri / Chris and Lindsay |
Peter and Garrett |
Bro (John) and Sis (Lauren), in from Austin with the bebe! |
Me and Mitch. Later in the evening. Whoops. |
Me, Kathleen, and Jessica! |
Cait and Dev. I have pretty friends. |
Me and the Davids (Dad and Dad-in-Law) |
Nell and Peter! Sexies! |
Xtina, me, Ev, and Bart! |
It was a really fun get-together and I hope everyone had a good time. I know I did. And everyone who was there could probably tell. Sorry not sorry! Thanks to our moms and dads for a wonderful evening!
Friday, June 22, 2012
My last day of work was Friday, June 1, after having told my bosses and coworkers 4 weeks before - which wasn't easy.
The first two of those four weeks, I continued working hard, numbing myself, keeping my feelings at bay (kinda like I'm doing now). The third week was slightly more difficult, and senioritis was taking over quickly. The final week was busy and a little stressful, mostly because I had goodbyes looming over my head, and I hate those and can't relax until it's over. My coworkers took me to a really nice going-away lunch, where they gave me restaurant gift cards to my fave Mexican food places (woohoo!) and an apron with a map of Texas on it. It was incredibly nice and generous and I kinda couldn't believe it.
I was doing ok until Thursday when I had to tell one of my favorite clients goodbye and we both teared up. Which I'm pretty sure isn't super professional, but...what am I supposed to do? My whole job was to build relationships with clients. I can't help it! I stayed late to finish some notes and then another one of my favorite clients came down with her kids, with a gift for me! Her kids were dancing around saying "It's a plate! It's a plate!" and I proceeded to pull a giant plate out of the bag. It had their hand and feet prints on it, their names and ages, and other artwork all over it, and it said "We'll love you around the world". I promptly burst into tears, scaring the poor dancing excited red headed cuties. My client cried and I cried even harder and was finally able to get out that I hoped one day that she could see the person I see, and she's come so far even in 6 months, and how proud I was of her. And we cried even more. Sigh. That was hard. Really hard. I was able to write notes to all of my clients and favorite staffers saying what I needed to, and I definitely teared up Friday afternoon telling the boss goodbye, and then...I was gone!
It's weird not being there. I miss my clients and kinda feel like the show can't possibly go on without me...when I know it absolutely can. I also feel fearful that I didn't do something or forgot something that someone will realize and then they'll say bad things behind my back. But more than that...I just really loved my job. I felt like I found something I liked and was decent at and was surprisingly passionate about, which I never thought I would or could find before. I met awesome women and built great relationships with clients and staff alike. It was a hard job, but at the end of the day, I felt like it was worth it. I'm so thankful for that.
All of that being said...I'm enjoying my retirement. Significantly. The first week off, I went walking with friends at White Rock Lake every day, spent a LOT of time packing, cleaning, organizing, being productive; eating good food, drinking wine every night, seeing friends, seeing coworkers OUTSIDE of work, just generally enjoying myself. The week after that we went to Florida, this past week I've just been dilly dallying and swimming and running errands with Drew, and I'm now entering my fourth and final week of "summer" - which will be filled with breakfasts, lunches, happy hours, and dinners with various friends and family, and lots of errand-running. And PACKING. Which I don't want to talk about or think about. Overall, I really think this work-free life might be the life for me. Or maybe just the life for me, right now. I guess we'll see what happens in Ireland. For now, I'll try my damndest to enjoy my final week of Dallas summer.
The first two of those four weeks, I continued working hard, numbing myself, keeping my feelings at bay (kinda like I'm doing now). The third week was slightly more difficult, and senioritis was taking over quickly. The final week was busy and a little stressful, mostly because I had goodbyes looming over my head, and I hate those and can't relax until it's over. My coworkers took me to a really nice going-away lunch, where they gave me restaurant gift cards to my fave Mexican food places (woohoo!) and an apron with a map of Texas on it. It was incredibly nice and generous and I kinda couldn't believe it.
I was doing ok until Thursday when I had to tell one of my favorite clients goodbye and we both teared up. Which I'm pretty sure isn't super professional, but...what am I supposed to do? My whole job was to build relationships with clients. I can't help it! I stayed late to finish some notes and then another one of my favorite clients came down with her kids, with a gift for me! Her kids were dancing around saying "It's a plate! It's a plate!" and I proceeded to pull a giant plate out of the bag. It had their hand and feet prints on it, their names and ages, and other artwork all over it, and it said "We'll love you around the world". I promptly burst into tears, scaring the poor dancing excited red headed cuties. My client cried and I cried even harder and was finally able to get out that I hoped one day that she could see the person I see, and she's come so far even in 6 months, and how proud I was of her. And we cried even more. Sigh. That was hard. Really hard. I was able to write notes to all of my clients and favorite staffers saying what I needed to, and I definitely teared up Friday afternoon telling the boss goodbye, and then...I was gone!
It's weird not being there. I miss my clients and kinda feel like the show can't possibly go on without me...when I know it absolutely can. I also feel fearful that I didn't do something or forgot something that someone will realize and then they'll say bad things behind my back. But more than that...I just really loved my job. I felt like I found something I liked and was decent at and was surprisingly passionate about, which I never thought I would or could find before. I met awesome women and built great relationships with clients and staff alike. It was a hard job, but at the end of the day, I felt like it was worth it. I'm so thankful for that.
All of that being said...I'm enjoying my retirement. Significantly. The first week off, I went walking with friends at White Rock Lake every day, spent a LOT of time packing, cleaning, organizing, being productive; eating good food, drinking wine every night, seeing friends, seeing coworkers OUTSIDE of work, just generally enjoying myself. The week after that we went to Florida, this past week I've just been dilly dallying and swimming and running errands with Drew, and I'm now entering my fourth and final week of "summer" - which will be filled with breakfasts, lunches, happy hours, and dinners with various friends and family, and lots of errand-running. And PACKING. Which I don't want to talk about or think about. Overall, I really think this work-free life might be the life for me. Or maybe just the life for me, right now. I guess we'll see what happens in Ireland. For now, I'll try my damndest to enjoy my final week of Dallas summer.
Sunday, June 17, 2012
We returned from a Florida family vacation with D's family facing the harsh reality that we no longer have our own apartment to go to. I rode in the backseat of the family Tahoe, looking longingly at the downtown skyline, feeling sad and nostalgic for our own beautiful apartment we lived in, one we had for our very own. But instead, we have to live out of a suitcase for 2 weeks more, shuffling between parent's houses.. Don't get me wrong- we had an amazingly wonderful relaxing trip in Florida - and I would feel this way with EITHER side - I just miss the days of having my own space. And it's only been a week!
Uptown is one of the douchiest places in Dallas, to live or even visit, but...oddly enough, we loved it. It (was) close to both of our jobs, it was covered in good food, restaurants, and bars, and it was close enough to our parents to visit when we wanted but far enough away to feel like we had our own place in the city, away from the area we grew up in. It does make me feel sad looking downtown and knowing that it's not our place anymore. There was a shower for a friend tonight in Oak Cliff, and before it was a few exits away. Now it's miles and miles and a trip so far I'm not even sure I can make it in my travel fatigue. Which is probably why this post sounds so melancholy.
We leave two weeks from tomorrow and the panic and reality of it all is setting in. I hardly thought about it in Florida but this morning neither D or I could sleep, thinking about the long to do list we have looming over our heads. And I haven't seen my friends in forever, which doesn't help either! I think I'm just a tired whiny cranky baby who needs a good nights sleep and then I'll be ok in the morning.
But speaking of Florida - we had an incredible week of relaxation, good food and drinks, a beautiful beach, And family fun time - with my funny sista Beth and my saracastic bro-in-law Blakesta ("you don't know WHAT he wants!"). We went to Marco Island and stayed at a fabulous beach house. We beached and swam in the pool and had happy hour on the deck and then ate delish food. Here are some pics!
Blanket o' clouds at 37,000 feet. |
Seashells down by the seashore. |
The results of using Spray Sunscreen. |
Family time at the Snook Inn. |
Relaxation. |
Beach time. |
One of my views from the deck. |
I'm going to bed now, and waking up with a new positive outlook on life tomorrow. God willing.
Monday, June 11, 2012
Moving Sucks
Moving sucks. Moving sucks. Moving sucks. Moving sucks. Moving sucks. Moving sucks. Moving sucks. Moving sucks. Moving sucks. Moving sucks. Moving sucks. Moving sucks.
Moving freaking sucks. We just "finished" up moving from our luxurious wonderful dream-like Uptown apartment, which has been a work in progress all week, into our parent's houses. My mom and I have been packing up the place this past week, and yesterday and today were spent taking apart bedroom furniture, finding places for everything, and staring aimlessly at the small piles of CRAP that seemed to permeate our entire apartment that had no place to go. There were times I was so overwhelmed with everything that I wanted to throw it all out the window and jump out after it.
I guess the hard part about this particular move is trying to categorize everything into three groups: Storage, Pack for Ireland, and Pack for Now But Won't Take to Ireland. And then we have to condense it down to either fit in our parent's attics or to store in one room at each house while we live there for the next 3 weeks. UUGGGHHH!!! Stress! I'm being whiny but I don't care. I had a crappy weekend and two sleepless nights so I'll whine if I want to.
We shipped a TON of stuff to Ireland a couple of weeks ago. Drew's company will help us ship it, by sea, and sea shipments take about 8 weeks to get there. We had to make several decisions as to what we want to take, what is wise and not wise to take, what we'll have room for, what will already be furnished, etc.
Our stuff should hopefully be arriving in Ireland by mid-July, when we have our tiny apartment, and then we'll get to figure out what to do with everything all over again.
I have to keep reminding myself that though it might be stressful and overwhelming right now, it's all for good reason and will hopefully be worth it.
Moving freaking sucks. We just "finished" up moving from our luxurious wonderful dream-like Uptown apartment, which has been a work in progress all week, into our parent's houses. My mom and I have been packing up the place this past week, and yesterday and today were spent taking apart bedroom furniture, finding places for everything, and staring aimlessly at the small piles of CRAP that seemed to permeate our entire apartment that had no place to go. There were times I was so overwhelmed with everything that I wanted to throw it all out the window and jump out after it.
I guess the hard part about this particular move is trying to categorize everything into three groups: Storage, Pack for Ireland, and Pack for Now But Won't Take to Ireland. And then we have to condense it down to either fit in our parent's attics or to store in one room at each house while we live there for the next 3 weeks. UUGGGHHH!!! Stress! I'm being whiny but I don't care. I had a crappy weekend and two sleepless nights so I'll whine if I want to.
We shipped a TON of stuff to Ireland a couple of weeks ago. Drew's company will help us ship it, by sea, and sea shipments take about 8 weeks to get there. We had to make several decisions as to what we want to take, what is wise and not wise to take, what we'll have room for, what will already be furnished, etc.
![]() |
A look at the pile of things we shipped. |
Our stuff should hopefully be arriving in Ireland by mid-July, when we have our tiny apartment, and then we'll get to figure out what to do with everything all over again.
I have to keep reminding myself that though it might be stressful and overwhelming right now, it's all for good reason and will hopefully be worth it.
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