Thursday, December 13, 2012

Spanish Lunches and Other Updates

I haven't written in awhile.  I've been sick and Drew's been sick and we've both been cranky and I haven't felt like writing for some reason.  But there's no better time to jump back into writing than when you're totally tipsy from an all day holiday drinking fest/party with the old people in your Spanish class.  Not only did I realize (yet again) that day drinking is a bad idea, but this outing also emphasized how very little I know about...anything.

We went to a festive restaurant I've been wanting to try, The Green Hen, and had a beautiful Christmas lunch complete with several bottles of wine and lots of chatting.  Highlights of the lunch include....
  • Listening in on in depth discussions about Francisco Franco.  Having nothing to contribute because I don't even remember when he was in power or when the Spanish Civil War was.  Discreetly asking when he actually died.  Wondering why no one was talking about him with malice in their voices because...wasn't he horrible?  Didn't everyone hate him?  Why can't I remember anything?  Why don't I know anything?
  • Having everyone ask me about America's involvement, or lack thereof, with Cuba.  Fielding questions about how Americans feel about the Cuban embargo now in present day.  Is it even relevant anymore?  How do you get there if you want to travel?  Why don't I know anything?
  • Smiling and nodding through a discussion about Che Guevara and his life and accomplishments and politics and odd involvement with Ireland.  Who is Che again?  I know he's a revolutionary guy for some South American country.  Is he still alive?  Should I even know this?
  • Looking involved and interested when they all started talking about the Age of Reagan in America and asked what my thoughts were.  Um..what?  I was 2 years old watching Sesame Street in my diaper.  But I couldn't say that because they don't know how young/old I actually am.  And they said that most Americans hate Reagan but...don't some people think America was booming then?  Or is that just because I have conservative parents?  Why don't I know anything?  Shit.
  • Getting lectured about American healthcare and how much it sucks AGAIN.  Getting lectured about how I need to speak up in class more.  And when I protested and said that I would never presume to know enough about Ireland to spout off my opinions (a slight dig at their willingness to speak authoritatively about anything and everything American) they said I need to make something up and express myself anyway.  Right.  Because everyone loves that about Americans.
(My brother undoubtedly has his head in his hands right now and is very embarrassed.  And this is why he would love it if I read The Economist or any other worthy news site/book other than and Us Weekly.  Shit.)  But in my defense, they didn't talk about anything I'm passionate about/knew!  They didn't ask me about immigration, or domestic violence, or books or literature of any kind (in English OR Spanish), or the mystery surrounding Heath Ledger's death, or the many loves of Gwyneth Paltrow, or how I believe that Angelina Jolie is the Antichrist!  None of that came up.  Ugh!  Not my fault.

I'm making it sound worse than it was.  I held my own and proved not to be a total dumbass about some things but the aforementioned bullet points were definitely what was happening in my head.  And I've now decided I need to enroll in some course aptly entitled "Everything You Need to Know About the World or History or Politics or Anything Else, Ever."  And that way I can spout off all kinds of knowledge.  Sigh.  But I still maintain that I shouldn't need to know ALL that information.  Whatevs.

Highlights of my day/week also include going back to the doctor for the 3rd time in 4 weeks because I can't get well AND having to drop trow in front of her, completely unprepared, so she could check for the hernias in my abdomen that I know exist but no one else believes do.  I also went to a fun Christmas tea at The Shelbourne with some pals that was definitely a highlight.  And I volunteered at my new volunteer place, but I'll post more about that later.  Here are some pics:

Found this BARGAIN ALERT at my local grocery store for €7!  You better believe I bought it.

I made Smores Bars for a Christmas party and for Drew's coworkers.  SO GOOD.

Went to a Christmas party at my friend's!  Super fun and festive.

Saw a fox going through some trash on the way home from said party.  Cool!  Irish wildlife!

This was a gingerbread Christmas train scene on display at The Shelbourne.

Pretty tree in the hotel lobby!


Tea sandwiches - yum yum.

Desserts and scones.  Oh baby.

My gal pals: Lauren, Niamh, me, Autumn, and Missy.
(And Missy and Tom got engaged this past weekend!  Woohooo!  So much to celebrate.)

Alright, off go to make dinner or be productive or something.  Or maybe I'll read a book about history.  Later!


  1. You are hysterical. I hope you get to feeling better! Dropping trow AND being schooled on American history is the worst.

  2. If it makes you feel any better (which im sure it doesnt, because im sure you already assumed this) I have no clue about any of the stuff you were talking about from your politics lunch. I would have said 8 words the whole time.. "ummm I have to go to the bathroom". Just so I could get the hell out and make sure my face wasn't red from not having a clue what to say! I'm proud of you sistaaaa for sticking with it and wanting to learn more.. thats more than I can say for myself! LOVE YOU. COME HOME. BYE!
