Thursday, May 30, 2013

Galas and Guests and Apartments, Oh My

This past week has been a WHIRLWIND since I last posted about being hungover and waiting on a paycheck.  We've had two different sets of LH guests, one fancy gala, several days of Irish summer, I finally got paid today, and the most exciting news of all...we're officially getting a new apartment!  Woohoo!  Here's a week in review:

Raymond and Drew in Merrion Square!  We had a great time with these peeps.

After Raymond and Maggie left on Saturday afternoon, we headed back to Merrion Square for some sunning and music at the Soul Picnic.

Saturday night, we had our American Women's club end-of-year GALA.  Fancy.  It was the first time I'd put on a dress since being here (I'm unfortunately not kidding) and it felt fun to dress up.  We had a damn good time and I may or may not have performed a version of Britney Spears' "Slave 4 U" on the dance floor later in the evening after the older folks had gone on home.  Whoops.  #Sorrynotsorry.

The Three Muskateers!  Kristin, Lauren, and Lauren.  (And yes folks, my arms are red
from the sun.  A rare Irish sunburn)

All my pals being silly.

Lauren and Lauren!  (I may as well be back in first grade again with the amount of Laurens that are here in Dublin, and that I happen to be friends with.)

We got some ice cream on Sunday and laid in the sun and watched a cricket game at Trinity College.  Bliss.

Then Haley and Jarrett got here Monday!  They saw all the sights and we got to hang out with them at night.  Good times had by all!
 And now....OUR APARTMENT!  It's in our same building, which I have mixed feelings about, but its twice as big and infinitely nicer, and the move should be super gradual and easy so I'm pleased with that.  We got the keys tonight so I went over and took some pics!

View from the doorway, walking in.  That's the bathroom at the first left, then our bedroom in the back left, and the second bedroom in the back right.

View from the bathroom.

View OF the bathroom.  Oooh la la.

The 'master' bedroom.  Not sure how we feel about the red duvet and sheets but it's got a memory foam mattress so I'll TAKE IT!

View of the door from our bedroom.

The second bedroom, where any and all of you are welcome to stay.

And...the piece de resistance...the kitchen!!

So much space!!

The living room (right off the kitchen).  I hope it comes furnished with the hottie I found.

View from the balcony door.

Another pic of the hottie.
 So...we'll start moving in next week.  And then I can finally be the host I've always dreamed of being.  Wine nights, dinner parties, out of town guests...they'll all be magical.  Yay!

Alright, off to pack for Belgium for the weekend - flight's at 6:40am so feel free to Viber me tonight when you all are getting ready for bed.  I'll be up.  Cheers!


  1. Sounds like a great week, great friends, great new apartment - and room for me!

  2. man oh mannnn i wanna come visit. :( please wire me some money and also a nanny. great, thanks BYE!
