Monday, September 24, 2012

Weekly Review

I'm sad to report that I never did find Mischa, and my schedule just didn't fit with the times of the play that were offered.  And now she's in Cork, onto much bigger and better smaller and sadder things.  Sigh.  I guess I'll never know what could have been.

Last week was a much slower week than usual, which isn't usually a good thing.  Slow weeks give one too much time to think about what they're doing with their lives.  Or what they're not doing, as it were.  Even though it was slower, I still managed to get a few things done:
  • I got a library card with the Dublin Public Library!  Now I can check out books and DVDs and use their Reading Room if I so choose.  Woohooo.  I love free books.
  • I decided to forego French classes for the semester and instead focus on a language I could use upon my return to the States: SPANISH!  I don't know why I didn't think of it before.  I'll be doing a conversation class starting on Monday, October 1, through February.  Hopefully it's a good one.  And I can always do French next semester or next year or whatever.  I got nothin but time.
  • I went shopping and bought a shirt!  Awesome!
  • I did a lot of laundry and ironing.  Cool.
  • I filled out a volunteer application with a popular volunteer agency here in the city.  Now I just have to go through and pick where I want to volunteer!  I started looking at things I could do with animals but then I freaked out and realized that Drew would come home one day and I'd have adopted 5 dogs and that would be a problem.  (For him, anyway.)  So I'm going to keep looking.  Stay tuned.
  • I watched The Shawshank Redemption on TV and cried.  Man, that movie is awesome but it's super heavy.  Especially when you're sitting at home alone and it's raining outside.  I won't be watching those types of movies for awhile.
  • I went to a Philanthropy meeting for the American Women's Club.  Yes, you heard that right.  I, Lauren Solomon, volunteered to help out and get involved.  Who am I?  And after that, I went to Dublin's Oktoberfest with some of my pals I've made there!  Fun!
  • Drew's parent's friends were in Ireland this week and they took us to a delicious dinner!  It was so fun to see them and really nice to have some familiar faces from home.
Despite this list of things, there was also a lot of couch-sitting, computer-starting, and sleeping in.  Whoops.  This week will be more productive, I can already tell!  I'm still applying for jobs, but it's slow going and I figured I need to start finding things to do instead of waiting on a job that may or may not happen.  So here we go.

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