Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Dallas: Babies Part 3 or 4 (who can remember?)

While our trip to Dallas was for a very sad reason, it was still really great to be home with family, friends, and all of their newborn babies that I've been missing :)

We spent a great deal of time with our families, but I still managed to squeeze in a couple of happy hours with my best pals and a fun wedding (which I have no pictures of)!

This post is basically a collection of cuties that I love.  So sue me.

Nell's little Walkman (Walker), sleeping on my chest!  I wanted to cry when I first met him.

Uncle Drew with Walkman, at The Lot.

Beautiful [skinny] mama and Walkman!  Cute cute cuties.

Smoochies with a cutie!

Toooooo cute.
(How many times can I say "cute" in this post?)
Now THIS (below) is a little nugget that you're gonna wanna get to know.  This is Tyce, cutie patootie extraodinaire, son of Drew's cousins Zach and Melissa, who got the best features of both of his parents (his cuteness has been discussed at length by Drew and I), who Susan happily watches every Monday, who is responsible for Susan laying off the baby comments to Drew and I, except for when she said "You know, you could make the whole family feel better this week if you announced you were pregnant."  Awesome.

Cutie. Nugget. Baby face.  
Me and my love!
Then we had happy hour at Mi Cocina cause I was in desperate need of a Mambo Taxi or two.  And Walkman was there along with Lil' Peanut, who I met in December!  She's grown so big and has the cutest little tongue/mouth action you've ever seen!

Smoochies with Peanut.

Walkman's making all of us giggle.
My b-fri Moll, tag teaming these babes with me.
And this guy isn't technically a baby but he's MY baby whom I love and adore so I took a picture of him when he was sitting by my chair at the dinner table.

THEN, the most exciting news of all...was that John and Lauren brought my bebe Annie to Dallas to see us!  Drew and I were thrilled because we only see her via Skype and this was a chance to solidify our bond.  And spend time with her.  And love her and kiss her and play with her and go on and on about her forever.

We took her to Kyle Warren Park!  She's playing on the mini-merry-go-round here.
Her sun hat that she REFUSED to wear!
Here's Gigi (my mother), hogging the baby as usual.  I guess I should be thrilled that my mom's granddaughter adores her so much but mostly I was just annoyed.  Sorry not sorry, Mom.
Annie's still cute though.  
Mommy and bebe playing the piano!
(Lauren is an accomplished pianist and will teach Annie how to read music one day soon.)
Me and my love!
THEN we got to take Bebe to the park, all by ourselves!  Annie and Uncle Drew are swinging and playing.
Fun on the slide!
I can't stop using exclamation points!
This is Bebe blowing air out through her lips, a favorite past time.
"I love my Aunt Lauren!  She makes me laugh!"
Never mind that her parents were behind the camera or that John was probably doing the Running Man, which thrills her.
Heheheeeee giggles.

Here's all of us together, after the park, before a lengthy but fun cocktail hour that lasted into the evening.
I love my fam.
This may be boring to readers that don't know our families that well (are there even any of you out there?) but these bebes have my heart.  So happy I got to spend time with them, and with our families.

We're back in Dublin now, adjusted from jet lag due to us staying up ALL DAY on Monday (which was hellacious), and back in the swing of things.  It's hard coming back from a week filled with loved ones but we're making it work.  I still have to post about Budapest and that will hopefully come tomorrow!

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