Wednesday, January 22, 2014


I think retirement is agreeing with me.  What have I been up to the last week or so?  Let's seeeeee.

  • Day One of Retirement involved a lot of couch sitting, some TV watching, a 6 mile walk around the coast, some errands, some smoothie-making, some chores, some panicking about my life choices, and some wine.  All in all, a good day.  The week progressed nicely.
  • I started my history class at Trinity.  It's...ok.  Last year my professor was charming and lively and informative and this year we have two stuffy balding English professors with tweed jackets and a tendency to forget the topics listed on the syllabus and cover their own perplexing agenda.  They also said they would assume no one had prior knowledge of the topics being discussed but they certainly don't behave that way.  I evidently needed to take ANOTHER class before this one to understand what the hell is going on.  We've mostly talked about the Bolshevik Revolution and I'm as confused as ever.  
  • My Spanish class starts on Friday.  Que bueno!  I haven't spoken it in awhile so I better brush up.
  • I've been cooking some new things and baking stuff for Drew's coworkers!  I'll hopefully post some more recipes soon.  I always liked doing that.
  • I've been going to the gym and running a lot and have officially lost the 7 substantial pounds I gained in Dallas.  When home in Dallas, and for the better part of the month of December, I entered into what I like to call...Fat Mode.  Fat Mode means you stop giving a shit about what you eat and about working out and you basically let yourself freakin GO - so your family and friends watch in horror as you eat cold pizza for breakfast, Chic-fil-A for lunch, and Houston's for dinner, along with a variety of baked treats at all hours of the day.  And it's not good, damnit.  I've been trying to take care of this issue by entering into Skinny Mode.  It is very difficult/virtually impossible to get out of said Fat Mode and into Skinny Mode, but one can slip into Fat Mode faster than you can say 'french fries and ranch'.  It's a constant battle for me and Oprah and Ricki Lake.  Ugh!    
  • I was toweling off in my bathroom after a hot shower yesterday when I heard a knock at the door.  I automatically assume that any knock on the door is a murderer coming to kill me but this time I figured it was my sweet caretaker, Noel, and he'd come back later if he needed me.  The knocking continued and then turned to banging.  Then I hear someone fiddling with my lock.  I throw the towel around me as someone then UNLOCKS THE DOOR AND ENTERS MY APARTMENT.  My heart officially stops at this point as I'm pretty much naked and in the most vulnerable state a woman could possibly be in.  I screamed "UHHH HELLO!?!?" and a man says "Oh hi!  It's the electrician!  Your landlord said you needed something fixed."  WTF.  "I'M JUST GETTING OUT OF THE SHOWER, GIVE ME 10 MINUTES!!!!!!" I screamed back.  He apologized and I tried to regain a pulse.  After a couple of frantic minutes, he explained that he thought I was still working and the landlord told him he could come.   I then sent a scathing email to my landlord with strict instructions for anyone to CALL next time they come.  I was still shaking like an hour later.  Shit.
  • Drew's still in the midst of busy season, though the partner on his job took us out to a fancy dinner as a preemptive incentive to work hard.  So that was fun.  Drew doesn't seem as stressed as he usually does in the States but I'm sure it's coming.  I at least get to see him on Sundays, so I guess that's something.  He's going to London for work next week and I might join him for 2 days.  Woohoo!
  • My b-fri Missy moves back to the States this weekend.  I've been dreading this moment for a long time and am still in denial it's happening.  We did get to have a really fun weekend with them last weekend and are going for a big night out this weekend for a proper send off.  But I'm really sad.  Bye.
I guess that's all for now, folks - all the worthless tidbits about my life you could possibly (n)ever want to know!  More soon.

1 comment:

  1. Who is your sweet caretaker Noel? Did I miss a post?
