Friday, February 7, 2014

Friday Rambling

TGIF!  I love Fridays.  I mostly used to love them because it signified the end of the work week but I still love them because it means the end of DREW'S work week and that means happiness for me.  And as I no longer drink during the week, it means I can have a glass or 5 of wine!  La la la.  

I just competed in a 4 mile race.  With myself.  And I won!  Yay!  I've been trying to do my "long runs" for my 10k training on Friday afternoons so I can enjoy my weekend and today the sun was out for once so I WENT FOR IT!

On Friday mornings, I have Spanish.  I've been reallllllllly enjoying my class - my teacher is a young beautiful Spaniard and is a lot of fun, my classmates are (still) all over 50 years old, BUT there are 2 younger college girls in the class too, that know even less than I do about the world!  They were born in '95 for cryin' out loud!  Just last week they got up the nerve to ask me how old I was (cause they were surprised to learn I was married "so young") and I begrugdingly told them I was 29.  "29?!  You don't look 29!  Wow, I thought you were much younger!  You look good for 29!"  :|  I'm sorry, what is that supposed to mean exactly?  Kids these days don't know that 29 is YOUNG.  Is this how our parents feel?  That they're all 30 year olds trapped in bodies of slightly older but happenin' people?  

The three of us were also talking about Garth Brooks' popularity in Ireland today, and they literally knew nothing about him.  (This is sparked by the fact that Garth is playing concerts here at Croke Park in July.  He started out with 2 concerts, then added a third, then a fourth, then a fifth.  He is now playing 5 NIGHTS IN A ROW and has sold 400,000 tickets.  It is a huge deal and this literally means that 1 out of every 10 people in Ireland are going to see Garth Brooks a mere 3 weeks AFTER we leave.  I'm livid and crazy with jealousy.)  ANYWAY.  One girl said she knew some song about 'having friends in low places' but they don't know much else.  Then they quizzed me on my knowledge of WestLife, an extremely popular Irish boy band that they're all very proud of, and I didn't know a damn thing.  Again...I keep wanting to think I'm younger than I am and that I fit in with those girls but sadly, I just don't.  But I don't fit in with the 50 year olds either!

We had a trivia game in our class today and I was able to correctly answer that the US purchased Louisiana and a big chunk of land from France in 1803, but I was UNABLE to determine when penicillin was invented and in what country Che Guevera made his mark.  So much random shit to still learn.  

Alright - that's enough random rambling for the day.  Off to patiently wait for my boo's arrival home and find us a place to eat tonight.  Happy Friday!

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