Thursday, January 10, 2013

Babies Babies Everywhere: Part Deux

I've written about babies before, and how all my friends are having them, and how it makes me happy but anxious, and how I'm nervous that things will change forever and how babies might negatively affect MY life with MY friends like the selfish brat I am, but...I'm happy to report that this break in Dallas was BABY CENTRAL and I loved every single minute of it.  And Drew ESPECIALLY loved every single minute of it.  Not only did we get a lot of good, solid time with our precious niece cutie faced angel bebe, we got a ton of quality time with other babies and expecting mothers too!  And it was fine!  And fun!  And good!  And while I'm still not ready for a baby (though my ovaries did go a little bonkers every time Drew held one), it helped immensely for me to see that babies are AOK and that they aren't a scary, bad thing!  

Drew and I compared spending time with our niece/any other cutie baby to being a contestant on The Bachelor.  You desperately want some alone time with that Bachelor/baby.  You try your damndest to get in there and get that one-on-one time without being super obnoxious and angering others.  You try hard to make the Bachelor/baby laugh the most and be the most popular with the Bachelor/baby.  And right when you think you're really establishing a real connection, some other idiot contestant swoops in and STEALS the Bachelor/baby right out from under you before you even know what happened!  And then you're all standing around staring at the Bachelor/baby waiting for yet another chance to pounce until Chris Harrison/Mom&Dad announce that it's time for the rose ceremony/nap time.  Ugh.  It's exhausting!  But even though the alone time is generally brief, it's usually worth it.  

Cait and Chad had everyone over one night and proved that they're the "cool" parents and that babies are just a fun addition to our fun lives!  Granted, I'm not there with them in the middle of the night when the baby's awake know what I mean.  Drew was smitten with that little babe and we all resorted to calling her Little Peanut.  

Me and Mere acting like Little Peanut's mothers.

Drew, Clark, and Lil' Peanut.  I believe Kathleen's Instagram tag for this pic was "Congrats to the new gay dads!"

Then on the 29th, several of us had a baby shower for preggo Nell!!  She's having a boy and he's growing like a weed.  Only 6 more weeks!  And I won't be there.  Which makes me teary eyed.  Must stop.

Friends touching her tummy!
Then Stephie showed up to the shower all the way from New Mexico/Mount Pleasant with her new bundle of joy!  He is the spitting image of his daddy and he's a round little roly-poly cutie face.

Look at that nugget!!
THEN we got to go over to Drew's cousin's house to see their newborn baby!  He is such an adorable babe and looks like a perfect mixture of both parents.  It's weird how that happens.  

He's a natural.
Warning: the rest of the pics will all be of the little precious love of my life.

Bebe's debut at the Chili Bowl!

Molly playing with Bebe and making her laugh.

Uncle Drew crawling around in the kitchen, having a ball.

Caught!  Bebe with a sippy cup.

Bath time!  Doesn't she look like Susie Who from Whoville?
Uncle Drew and the bebe REALLY cemented their bond this trip.  They played a lot and he fed her some (below) and I think if he was a contestant on The Bachelorette he would say that he "REALLY established a great connection with her."  One time my bro and sis were out and my mom had gone upstairs cause she was crying and she wouldn't calm down, so my mom ran down to make a bottle when Uncle Drew rounded the corner and bebe's face lit up!  It was pretty cute.  Ok I'll stop.  #obnoxiousaunt

Silly play time!  She liked his beard.


Now it's my turn, damnit.  

Look. at. her. tummy.  HELP!
Me and my two faves.  I may look like I've been crying in this picture because...I had.  On the day they were leaving, I stupidly chose to read her a book about hugging the people you love and how it's not good to be lonely or without hugs so hug your loved ones when you can.  And I couldn't get through the book and she looked at me like I was a kook.  Because I am.  Now I'm getting choked up again.  Oh Lord help me.

Smooches!  Those cheeks are just as great as that tummy is.
So...yeah.  There you have it.  I'm a baby fan now!  But not enough to have one yet - sorry Suse!

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