Monday, January 21, 2013

Back to It

We've been back two weeks now and we seem to be back in the swing of things!  We're finally no longer jet lagged, which is good, Drew is working all the time, which isn't so fun, and the weather is a disaster, but I'm staying busy.  Busyness is key.

I've done some grappling with the idea of potentially job searching again...though I'm still leaning  Ha.  I ran into a bunch of random people back home over the break, particularly at baby showers and parties and other family events, and a lot of them would ask if I had a job.  I'd explain that I looked for a job and applied a million places the first two months I was here and nothing really worked out.  "Reeeaaallllly," they'd say.  "So...what do all day?"  And then I'd launch into a memorized/rehearsed script I have about how my main focus is just to keep myself busy, so I'm taking Spanish classes, I joined a gym, I cook a lot, I blog, I meet friends for lunch, I joined an American Women's Group, and then I usually make some self-deprecating comment about being a real housewife of Dublin and reference my newly acquired ironing and sewing skills, throw in a chuckle for good measure, and stop talking.  They'd end up smiling and nodding with a look I couldn't decipher and say something like, "Well, yeah.  That's important.  Sounds good!" and then we'd thankfully both move on.  

But can I be real?  (Brace yourself for a non-angry rant.)  I didn't love having this conversation with people.  I didn't love the way it made me feel when they'd look at me funny for not having a job.  It's not like I didn't try.  And it's not like I was planning on coming over here to do nothing and contribute nothing (financially) to the family. doesn't make me feel awesome when people sing Drew's praises and talk about how great he is for letting me come to Dublin to play all day.  I know how incredibly lucky I am and I let Drew know that all the time and how much I love him.  But hearing "Gosh, you're a lucky girl!  Your husband works so you can life a life of leisure!" starts to grate on you and make you feel guiltier than you already do on a daily basis.  And I know we're here for Drew's job and he IS working is tail off to make our dreams come true....but also, it wasn't super easy for me to leave a job I loved and was actually good at to come here and iron and cook and feel like a bozo that contributes nothing [financially] to the family. Drew is seriously the best guy in the world.  But it would be nice if I or others felt like he was occasionally lucky too.  But why am I writing or telling anyone who reads this blog this?  Y'all know what it's been like and know that I do stuff.  Living overseas as a couple is just as hard for both people and both people have to make it a success...which unless you've done, you don't know or realize.  Ok, off my soapbox now.  I need to quit this and not let the bozos who don't get it get me down.  Gotta let my haters be my motivators!  Or something.  #expatproblems

Moving on! the vein of staying busy, I've been...volunteering (more on that later), taking more classes (more on those later too), having dinner with some girl friends, running, gyming, cooking, Skyping with my precious niece who I love and adore and miss unbearably, planning trips, getting excited about family coming in February and friends coming in March, and doing other random errands/things.  It's been good.

Birthday dinner for my friend Lauren!

Some Sunday afternoon drinks to combat the cold/rain.
Elf-looking Bebe on Skype!
Anyways, that's been it for now.  I gotta start writing more often!  Drew says I should write about things like gun control and current events so maybe I will.  Once I figure out what these things mean and what I think about them.  Ha.

Ok, happy Monday!

1 comment:

  1. Love youuuuu & dont let the haters get you down... they dont know what they're talking about & are just talking to hear themselves talk. You and drew are doing your best to make this experience all that it can be and mooore and thats all that matters... yall know what you need to do & no one else does, so dont listen to or even think about those stupid bastards! Yall are just "makin it workkkk" as tim gunn would say. muhah. love you, miss you!
