The girl is suddenly near our table talking with Molly and intermittently whispering things and yelling things at her, and we see her grab Molly's arm and scream at her friend Eddie to come over to where they're standing. "ED! This is Molly!" she yells. "She's American and it's her last day in Dublin, do you wanna kiss her?" and then walks off to grab another guy to dance with while ol' Eddie takes a sudden interest in Molly. Meredith and I stand there with our mouths on the floor watching all of this take place and Drew is just bobbing his head to the music. Eddie and Molly talk and Mere and I are hysterically laughing at the series of events that just occurred when Molly grabs Meredith's hand and squeezes hard, indicating that we need to get the hell outta there. We start buttoning up our coats and Ed walks off and we try to get out of there, but then a fun song comes on and we figured we should stay and hear it, since Ed's gone. Bad plan. Ed notices that we haven't left and he comes over to Molly and grabs her hand and leads her out into the foyer, says something to her, and then takes her hand and drags her upstairs and outside. We begin hysterically laughing again and go upstairs and into the street to find out where Ed's taken her. She manages to extract herself from the situation/we rescue her and Moll proceeds to tell us that after the slut introduces them, Eddie, who is actually from Lithuania, says "Molly! I'm Ed! You live in Texas? I'm thinking of coming to New York in January. That's not very far from Texas. Would you like to fly up and come see me?" The (blurry) entirety of their conversation is as follows:
Lithuanian Eddie: Do you smoke? Come stand outside with me.
Molly: No, and I think we are about to leave to meet a friend. So sorry!
[Go to gather up coats...not quickly enough]
Lithuanian Eddie: Come out here.
Molly: Uhh, ok.
Lithuanian Eddie: I am moving to New York after Christmas. How far away is Texas from New York?
Molly: Oh gosh, thousands and thousands of miles. Reallllly far.
Lithuanian Eddie: That's OK. We can visit each other. It's only a plane ride away.
Molly: [stuttering] Oh. Well. Gosh. Um. It's really far away, and it's too cold there for me.
Lithuanian Eddie: Are you on The Facebook?
Molly: No. [THANK GOD]
Lithuanian Eddie: Well, do you you have email? Give me your last name and information so we can keep up our relationship...our friendship. I will write down your email.
Molly: I don't have a pen or paper or anything. Sorry.
Lithuanian Eddie: Go get a pen from your friends.
Molly: They don't carry pens either. No one brought anything tonight.
Lithuanian Eddie: [Repeats something 4 times that she never understands regarding something else she should give him instead]
M: Uhh we're going now...BYE.
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A pic of Lithuanian Eddie and Molly that I sneakily snagged. |
So while Meredith may have gotten a phone number and a couple of texts from a cute Irish guy, Molly wins with the mail-order marriage proposal from the balding Lithuanian. Hands down.
We then head to another bar and wait for Connor to finish work and then we meet him at a wine bar-turned-night club and get seated at some plush leather couches while we all frantically groom ourselves and toss our hair and adjust our clothes so he'll notice us and flirt with us and like us. We're all nervously talking and he walks in. AHHHH! He greets all of us with a kiss on the cheek (HELP!) and sits down and begins charming the pants off of us, as per usual. He and Meredith are mostly flirting and Drew is ready to go home and Molly and I are watching them flirt and analyzing everything. We're 15 years old again and it's awesome. Connor then asks us what we're thankful for. We all go around and say what we're thankful for (fellowship, friends being in town, jobs, etc.) and Connor says "Well I'M thankful that you didn't elect a Republican president!" And we all smile and nod politely and clink our glasses and take a sip of our drinks. Connor continues, "Your president effects all of us, you know." Drew begins shifting in his seat and said, "But...really?? DOES it effect you??" I shoot Drew a look and whisper "Please, let's not get started on this," and he says "But actually..I kinda WANNA get started on this..." (our new pet peeve is Irish people telling us all about our country and our president and our politics). Meredith can probably sense what's coming so she says something no doubt funny and witty and changes the subject entirely. Ah. Crisis averted.
We end up having a lovely evening with Connor, just as we suspected, and if you want any other details, you'll have to talk to Meredith.
I'd say a flirty meet-up and a Lithuanian stalker mean this trip has been a HUGE success!