Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Espanol Classes

As some of you may know, I've been taking a Spanish class at the Cervantes Institute every Wednesday.  I've mostly been enjoying it - it's nice just to be around the Spanish language again and exercise my brain muscles a bit.  

But...I'm like 20 years younger than most of the people in the class.  And can I be real?  They are all a bunch of know-it-all babies who can't WAIT to put in their two cents about Irish societal issues and clamor for the teacher's attention.  And I'm not tooting my own horn here by any means, because anyone at Genesis can tell you that my Spanish is sub-par, but they are...BAD.  And so wrong.  The teacher asks lots of conversational questions about homelessness, unemployment, raising children, etc. in Ireland, and...I can't really speak about that.  Cause I don't really know enough and I would never presume to know more than them about those subjects.  But I DO know about immigration and the difficulty finding a job as an immigrant, which she also asks about.  And I have things to add, CORRECT things to add to the conversation, but I literally can't get a word in because these 5-year olds love hearing themselves talk so much.  

There's this one particular woman who sits next to me who thinks she's better than me for some reason. She maybe doesn't like the fact that I innocently correct her sometimes (because she's so wrong), but I usually just can't sit there and let her tell the people next to her incorrect information.  Everyone is super nice to me in the class, but this immature oddball talks to all the people around me and never directly addresses me.  Whatever.  This past class, we were going over the subjunctive, and the teacher wanted us to read some phrases, translate them, and discuss the use of the subjunctive.  One of the phrases said...

"Queremos que construyan un parque... ¡no un parking!"
This means..."We want them to build us a park!  Not a parking lot!"

Do you see the upside down exclamation point in the second phrase?  You can tell that that's what it is, right?  Well this know-it-all bozo next to me, who likes correcting me and everyone else in the class with her broken, terrible, dummy Spanish, begins saying to the guy next to her "This word, 'ino' comes from the verb 'inar'.  So now we need to figure out what 'inar' means."  I proceed to scream in my head "HEY DUMBASS!  THAT'S AN UPSIDE DOWN EXCLAMATION POINT!  THERE'S NO SUCH VERB AS INAR!"...and luckily someone overhears her, BURSTS out laughing, and calls that bia out on it.  Her face turned bright red and I laughed and laughed and laughed.  I.  HATE. KNOW-IT-ALLS.  Especially when these idiots are SO SURE they know something, are almost emphatic about it, and really they are SO WRONG.  I hate them almost as much as I hate getting stuck behind slow drivers and walkers. dilemma is being in a class with know-it-alls who don't know much at all, and a teacher that kinda moves at a glacial pace, probably because her students don't know anything.  But I like the people in my class (aside from Dummy next to me) and I like my class time and I certainly wouldn't ever want to be presumptuous and attempt to move up a level but...sometimes maybe I feel like I should talk to the teacher?  We shall see I suppose.  Just had to vent it out/talk it out.  Adios for now!

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