Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Hot Whiskey

This Hot Whiskey is a simple and fun drink that our friends make all the time, so I thought we'd give it a whirl and whip some up on a cold night!   

The Cast of Characters: whiskey, lemon, brown sugar, cloves, and hot water. 

Measure out a teaspoon of brown sugar in each mug.

And start heating your water in your brand new electric kettle!

Slice off a lemon...slice.

Cut that slice in half.

Pour out some cloves.

Now place/stab 5 cloves INTO each lemon slice.

Like so.

Drop that in with the brown sugar.

Measure out a shot of whiskey in your favorite shot glass.  We tore our apartment upside down looking for the shot glass we thought we brought but our search was fruitless.  So we measured out an ounce or two in a measuring cup.  

If only there were some sort of gift shop that sold shot glasses and other Irish paraphernalia in this city!  Oh wait.  They're on every corner.

Pour that in with the lemon and brown sugar.

When your kettle is ready, pour the hot water over the whiskey/sugar/lemon...

Give it a stir...

Et voila!  A Hot Whiskey!

This drink is perfect for fall and winter, especially if you like whiskey.  Which I'm learning to.  I always want and think whiskey is better and sweeter than it actually is, and I thought this would be particularly true with the brown sugar - and while that helps, that strong whiskey flavor still shines through.  Which is kinda the point, I guess.  It's still good though!  You can replace the brown sugar with honey and make a Hot Toddy, which we might try soon.  Cheers!

1 comment:

  1. Dare I say that my mother fixed this (at-the-time) disgusting drink, without cloves, as a toddie when I had a cold. Supposed to clear your head, chest congestion, and help you sleep. Was this child abuse? I personally thought so but not from an alcohol perspective, but from the disgusting taste. Maybe I'd like it better now. Oh, and she used honey instead of brown sugar.
