Saturday, July 28, 2012

Lauren and Evan's Day O' Fun

Friday started with a lot more sleeping in, and then "crafting" (or doing more housewifery) with Evan!  When we purchased our curtains at Ikea, they were about 3 feet too long.  I got some sort of sticky glue tape and instructions on how to shorten them with an iron, but Drew and I both knew it would be months before I actually got around to doing it.  But not with Ev!  He ran a tight ship and said he was there to help - and pretty much forced me to do it while I had help, because he knows me as well as I do -  I really wouldn't have done it.  His help and force was essential.  I took pictures of this really interesting activity.  Ha!  It's actually not interesting at all but I figured our moms would at least want to see it.  Keep scrolling if you wanna see other stuff.

First, you measure your curtains and lay them out, folded up to the length that you want.

 Then you measure them to make sure they're the right length.

We didn't have pins so we used Chip Clips to hold the fold in place.

Then you iron a fold, or crease, into the curtain.

Then you can remove the chip clip.

Look!  A crease!

You unroll the tape/glue in solid form and line it up along the crease.

Then you get the iron REALLLLY hot and start ironing that bad boy together.  The tape melts and turns into glue and seals the curtain.

Then you cut off the excess fabric from the hem.

Then you hang it back up...

And repeat, 4 times, with all of your curtains (bedroom included).  And then pose with your new curtains.

Evan suggested taking the extra fabric and making a sash or a headdress.

Like I said, without Ev, this project couldn't have been possible.  Before Thanksgiving anyway.

This is a panoramic picture of the view outside our apartment that Evan took.  Cool!

After that, we showered, got dressed, and were out the door by 2:50pm.  Whoops.  We were hungry so we stopped at a cute sandwich place/coffee shop (3fe) before we started our day.  

Food pornography of my turkey, brie, and red onion mayo sandwich.  REALLLY good.  And so simple!  I could make this at home but sandwiches just taste so much better when someone else makes them for you.

Evan had been pretty laid back and surprisingly had no agenda (which...if you know Evan, this is so not like him) - to the point where he was content just sitting somewhere in a park for hours, not seeing any of Dublin, so I insisted we went to the Natural History Museum cause we both like that kinda stuff.  Evan naturally had more questions like..."Name your top 3 favorite mammals, reptiles, amphibians, birds, etc." or "If you could be any animal in the world, what would it be and why?" and we definitely both wrote down names or species of animals that we saw and wanted to go back and research later cause we're dorks.  

Evan with a Giant Irish Deer (one of the animals we wanted to research).  These guys are humongous. 

Seals!  Cool.

A sunfish (another researcher).  They're biggins.

A basking shark, hanging from the ceiling.  I don't know much about this type of shark but I don't really care.  A shark is a shark.  Avoid them in the water.  You know the drill.   

SLOTHS!!  (That's for you MD & BA.)

Enormous skeleton of a whale.

"When I was a young wart HHOOOGGGGG....!"


 Coo coo ca choo.

Elephants!  Maybe my most favorite animal.  Besides dogs and dolphins and whales.

Flippy!  Only if you know me really well you would understand this significance.  Consider yourself lucky.

This is a giant hyena.  I couldn't get over how huge these things were.  I don't think I'd want to run into one in a dark alley, that's for sure.
Friday night, I had my first girl's dinner!  Some of the girls at the 4th of July party and the aforementioned engagement party last weekend invited me to a cute French place called The French Paradox that Drew and I had actually been wanting to try.  It was amazingly delicious and we had a really, really great time.  We stopped at Bellamy's for some more wine while Drew and Ev went to dinner with the guys, and we all met up on the other side of town called The Bernard Shaw - no clue where it was but it was a fun bar nonetheless.  This particular bar sold bottles of this stuff called Buckfast (pictured below) - a grape flavoried, syrupy, caffeinated alcoholic beverage that several of the people we were with swore by.  We ordered a bottle and tried it and it was...pretty disgusting.  Like drinking Robitussin but only slightly better.  The bar closed around 1:30am, and naturally we weren't ready to go home, so we went to Missy and Tom's (the house where the 4th of July party was) to keep the evening going.  Good wine, homemade hot whiskey, and old school 90's tunes and a dance party kept us going until 4:30AM!!!  What the hell.  Thankfully I'd been chugging water for 2 hours but I seriously don't know who I am or what I'm doing staying out this late.  It's nuts.

Buckfast.  When in Rome.

I took a picture of the SUNRISE leaving the apartment because I was so shocked at how late it was.  Or early, rather.  Geez louise.

In bed by 5AM.  Insane.  I don't think I can keep this up.

It was a really fabulous, wonderful day.  Good friends, old and new, good food, good drinks, good weather.  Good times.  

(The Mary Tyler Moore Show's theme song "You're gonna make it after all...." is playing in my head right now.  Cue picture of me throwing my hat up in the air in the next month or so.  Ha.)

1 comment:

  1. Im really proud of your curtain hemming!! They look good.. great job sexy!! Love you.
