Saturday, July 7, 2012


I haven't written in a day or two, mostly because I didn't have a lot of positive things to report.  Thursday and Friday were both a bit of a beating, and most of our fun plans got shot to hell because of our bank situation, the rain, wind, and the immigration office.  It's really not easy being an immigrant, legal or not!

Thursday we woke up late (or I woke up late, Drew was up and had already been to two different banks to investigate accounts before I got out of bed), went to Drew's office to get some additional letters FOR the bank that they required, went back to the cell phone store (4th day in a row) to try to correct some issues with Drew's phone, saw another shitty apartment (though the agent was such a nice Irish man we almost rented it from him on the spot), back to the apartment, and out to a fun dinner with Tracy and Drew's other future coworker from Florida, with his wife and cute bebe.  

Beautiful view of the Grand Canal Dock after dinner.

Friday we woke up early with the intention of FINALLY getting our bank account up and running, when they told us again that we needed yet ANOTHER letter from PWC with MY proof of address on it.  I really thought we both might break down in tears at that point because we were so frustrated.  We remained calm, decided we'd run by the immigration office to officially register (we only have a month to do so), and then we'd go to the Guinness Brewery to have some fun and let loose.  Wrong.  We waited at the GNIB for 3 HOURS to be seen by someone and for my fingerprints, which are evidently non-existant, to come through.  We finished by 4pm and it was too late for Guinness, so we walked to the PWC office in the pouring rain and wind (I'm talking both of our umbrellas flipped inside out, such a joke) to get the letter, and went home to sulk.  We ended up going to a really nice, fun pizza place near our apartment with Tracy, and then did our own personal pub crawl to finish up the evening.  We were in need of some fun.


More rain.
Tracy and I with some Belfast Blondes.

There are so many wonderful things about being here and the city is such a great place, but this first week has just been a little difficult I guess.  On top of the business we have to take care of, we both get stressed out at different points during the day about different things.  Drew didn't speak most of Thursday because he had so much on his mind.  I didn't say much yesterday because my spirits were a little low with the immigration bullshit and the weather.  We are stressed about a variety of things, like our new apartment, having enough money to survive comfortably, making new friends, the weather, getting all of our crap done, and did I mention money?  And I suddenly realized that Drew starts work on Monday, which means I'll be totally alone beginning Monday at 9:30am.  Which scares me.  What the hell am I gonna do all day?  I've also been noticing that this whole week, not on purpose, Drew has been the primary caretaker - he makes sure we have all of our documents, he tells us how to get everywhere, he handles all the money, he's set up all of the apartment viewings, and I'm starting to feel like a worthless piece of junk and like I might not be able to do anything after he starts work.  Which is a dumb little wifey way to feel and I shouldn't feel like that.  But I do sometimes I guess.  So that all means that even though I'm married and am 27 years old and doing ok in life, this is going to be a huge growing and learning experience for me.  I'm going to have to learn my way around the city, call and set up all the electricity and cable and movers, and unpack, and set up the apartment, and grocery shop, and become a travel agent, and look for jobs, and join meet-up groups and American Women's groups, and all kinds of other shit that I'm not prepared for.  But here it is and I'll RISE TO THE CHALLENGE, as God as my witness!  I'll make Drew and everyone back at home proud of me!  I can do this!  I will become the confident person I know is buried deep down inside, a trillion miles below the surface! I hope.  Blah.

Ahh.  That felt good to vent a little.  More positive posts to come!

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