Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Real Housewife of Dublin

I've been telling several friends that I'm going to be starting the pilot episode of Real Housewives of Dublin soon so stay tuned.  This week, I'm doing things differently.  This week, I have a plan.  I'm waking up when Drew gets up and I'm not going back to bed.  I made a lengthy to-do list that I'm happily crossing off.  I'm being PRODUCTIVE and feeling productive!

We went to Ikea on Sunday with a list of things we needed: a coffee tables, bedside tables, a TV stand, and a shelf unit thingy for our bathroom.  And various accessories.  No matter how much you mentally prepare yourself for Ikea, it's still a physical and emotional beating.  We'd planned on picking everything out and getting it delivered the next day, but two hours later we had everything purchased and were waiting in line for a taxi van to take us back to the city, saving us 20 quid!  Woohoo!  We dropped our stuff off and hit up some pubs for an afternoon of Irish football viewing.  Fun times.

Monday, I woke up when Drew did.  I walked him to work and I went running along the river.  I came home, showered, and began my new career of constructing Swedish furniture!  I made the bedside table and the shelf unit and the TV stand and I finished the coffee table today.  And I've been doing laundry.  Laundry, laundry, and more laundry.  It takes FOREVER to do even one load.  Some settings/programs include drying time, some don't, and the clothes aren't even very dry when you pull them out.  And they're wrinkled.  All of them!  

Today, I will be ironing.  My parents taught me how to iron many a year ago, though they claim I never knew how to iron because I never did it.  Why would I iron when they can do it so much better and faster??  Now, I shall train today and become an ironing pro...and hope that all of Drew's shirts come out alive.  I'm also going to the grocery store today to make another delicious meal tonight.  Tomorrow, I'm going to the bank, researching travel for our 3-day weekend coming up in August, hang out with Nina, and prepare our home for the arrival of our first guest tomorrow night!  Yay!

Building furniture, laundry, ironing, grocery shopping, cooking...who am I?  I'm seriously a housewife and have no clue what I'm doing.  But I will say having a to-do list feels good.  I shall be productive.  I will not rot my brain.  I will follow the list and cross things off and be glad in it.  Wanna see the furniture I built?  Ok!

TV stand.  Without a TV.  It's coming soon though!

It was half way through the construction of my bedside table when  I realized I'd put the bottom panel on the wrong way.  F!  It was too late to undo, try as I might.  Ah well.
Finished product, wrong panel and all.

Bathroom shelf unit.

Coffee table with our new rug.
I'm still not ready to post "After" pics of the apartment yet, but we've made definite progress.  I did this post in two parts, and now, after having tried to iron, I'm here to tell you it SUCKS and I don't know how to do it and it takes forever and none of the wrinkles came out of Drew's shirts!  UGH!  I talked to Jane and she told me I'd have to use the steam function on the iron.  Which I'll be able to do, once I add water.  Whatever.  More adventures in Dublin Housewifery to come!


  1. It's me! I'm the first guest!!!! Can't wait to build furniture and teach you how to iron.

  2. Evan you need to make sure Lauren lets you blog up in here! Have fun.

    Lauren you are an Ikea pro! The apartment looks very homey now - good job.

    Uncle Tom

  3. Steam...that wonderful substance that all Ironer's learn is the real magic that removes wrinkles. It only works with water added. Or as we did in the olden days or yore (?) we would use a coke bottle with a little sprinkler head and we would sprinkle water on the shirt or pants and let the hot iron steam out the wrinkle. Ingenious idea. Sounds like you are gaining on the science of steam. Go for it, babe!

  4. Dry-clean those bad boys. I'm just saying.
